Work Camping at PSRM

We are always looking for RV work campers at PSRM. We are an all volunteer museum with the mission of providing the public with the rich history of the last transcontinental railroad built in the United States, the San Diego & Arizona Railway.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with work camping, it is a phenomenon that is gaining popularity throughout the US.  Work campers work on the property in exchange for a space in our RV lot to park their personal motorhome.

Positions Needed

Work campers are needed to fill the following positions:

  • Giftshop Staff
  • Ticket Agent
  • Museum Docent


Work campers need to work 20 hours per week per person, including during the hours of 8am and 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays when the museum grounds are open to the public. Additionally, one work camper is needed to supervise the cleaning crew who cleans our restrooms, trains, kitchen and break area each Friday morning for four (4) hours. The time spent supervising the cleanup will be subtracted from that work camper’s 20 hour commitment for that week.  The remaining hours may be earned by doing other tasks around the museum.  More information on the types of jobs we may ask you to perform are available by contacting us at the email listed below.


  • RV parking space overlooking Campo Valley
  • Electricity, water and sewer hookups provided in each space
  • Freedom to use the rest of your week as you wish. Go sightseeing around Southern California or just relax in your space!

If you’re interesting in applying to PSRM’s Work Camper program, send an email to